Are You Functioning But Frazzled?


What if I was tell you that you don’t have to put up with feeling this way?  Every day I work with women who are functioning but frazzled.  They typically have issues with energy, hormone balance and stress levels and tell me they are bored with making meals, feel ruled by cravings, need to shift a bit of weight and just want to feel more like they used to.

If this sounds like you (and trust me I’ve been there!) then you are in the right place – let’s get you sorted!

Let Me Help!

Adulting is hard work!  You are invariably juggling a number of plates such as your career and children and household chores and life admin and so remembering to also look after yourself in the right way doesn’t always work as planned

I work with women just like you.  Women who are fed up of going through the motions each day and want to feel happier and healthier but don’t feel like they have the time, motivation or energy to make the necessary changes.  I help you to take those steps and make small but significant changes that fit around your hectic schedule, don’t feel overwhelming and get you back on track with your health.

It’s not just about what you eat but also when, how and the relationship you have with food that we take into consideration.  Working with me doesn’t give you a quick fix diet – it’s about adopting lifelong healthy habits that are tailored to your needs

Typically I support women with low energy, haywire hormones and troublesome tummies but I do also support fertility, children’s and men’s health

I work with individuals, couples or families either face to face in Maidenhead (and surrounding areas) or countrywide via Zoom. I also offer a range of self guided online courses and group programs

Janet Padfield DipION
Registered Nutritional Therapist CNHC
Registered Nutritionist MBANT
Janet Padfield DipION
Registered Nutritional Therapist CNHC
Registered Nutritionist MBANT

Tailored Working With Me

I have four programs available to suit your different needs.

Kick Start


Two one to one sessions with tailored advice to give your health a boost and get you back on track





Four one to one sessions with tailored advice to reset your health and work towards your health goals




Seven one to one sessions with tailored advice and full accountability to help your health thrive



Power Hour


Your opportunity to ask questions and focus on one key area of your health to work on improving


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