What Is Frazzle?

I talk about being frazzled all the time with my clients and on social media - but what is "frazzle"?

The dictionary definition states that frazzled is "showing the effects of exhaustion or strain" and that is a brilliant definition that can be applied to exactly how we can feel at times.

In this 5 minute read blog I am going to talk you through the following

  1. The frazzle build up
  2. Common causes of frazzle
  3. How nutrition may help

The Frazzle Build Up

Feeling frazzled is not something that happens overnight. It is quite often something that builds up over a number of days, weeks and months as a result of us ignoring the signs that our bodies are struggling a bit.

The issue is, when we are busy, have a period of intense stress, or have a few health niggles it is very common to just dig deep, out a brave face on and keep ploughing through.  Whilst that might get you to the end result it might also take it's toll on your body and you end up feeling pretty overwhelmed, frazzled and strained.

There really is a better way and that comes from firstly understanding what can cause "frazzle" and secondly, what realistic and simple things we can do about it.

Common Causes of Frazzle

There can be one thing, several things or a combination of many things that can result in the frazzled feels.

These include (and are not limited to):

  1. Frequent poor sleep - if your body is not resting and recharging enough that is likely to gradually reduce energy levels
  2. Eating too many sugary foods, processed food and fried foods - These types of foods play havoc with your blood glucose levels which create energy peaks followed by crashed.  They are typically low in vitamins and minerals which means you aren't getting enough of the nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Lastly, the additives and preservatives in processed foods are a big stress on the body and can disrupt the wonderful gut microbiome that plays a huge role in keeping us healthy
  3. Being sedentary - An inactive body can increase cardiovascular stress and may also prevent the immune system from working as efficiently.
  4. Not relaxing enough - whilst flopping in front of the TV in the evenings might feel quite relaxing it is not relaxing enough for the body.  We need to be engaging in activities such as mindfulness, deep breathing and body stretches that tap into the parasympathetic nervous system - this is the de-stress mode and it is important to spend some time in that each day
  5. Nutrient deficiencies - iron, magnesium and B12 are all nutrients that are heavily involved in energy regulation and production.  A deficiency in any one of these is likely to make you feel tired and frazzled over time. It is therefore important to ensure your diet contains these nutrients to avoid fatigue
  6. Specific diagnosed conditions - Diabetes, hypothyroidism and cancer and just 3 of the conditions that may make you feel frazzled.  With diabetes, the lack of glucose control with sugar highs and crashes can leave your body feeling very exhausted.  The thyroid is integral in energy regulation and an underactive thyroid may mean that energy production is generally much lower.  Cancer is a major stress on the body and many elements of the diagnosis, treatment and recovery can leave you with extreme fatigue
  7. Shifts in hormones - the shifts in progesterone, oestrogen and progesterone that occur as a result of big hormonal shifts such as the menopause may impact sleep, metabolism and energy regulation. It can also increase baseline cortisol levels and therefore increase stress.  It's a period in a woman's life that often creates frazzle.


Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips To Help The Frazzle

It can feel overwhelming to make a lot of changes to your eating and might even feel like it would increase your stress and frazzled feelings. So, to make it simple I suggest you just make one change at a time.


  1.  MEAL PLAN - If you know the foods that you are going to eat it is easier to shop for them and you are less likely to grab a take away or spend endless hours wondering what to cook.  It also means you can check you are having lots of variety to get those wonderful nutrients in.  I have a very easy guide to help you with meal planning here
  2. HOMEMAKE FOODS - Aim to cook from scratch as often as possible so that you know your food isn't processed or too high in salts and sugars
  3. RELAX - Prioritise your evening relaxation - rather than flop in front of the TV, why not have a bath, get to bed earlier and read a book or listen to a sleep story or guided breathing on the HEADSPACE or CALM app
  4. SEE YOUR GP - If you are concerned about your health then please go to your GP. They can run some simple blood tests to check your iron, B12 and glucose levels and see that your thyroid is working normally
  5. GET TAILORED NUTIRTION ADVICE - A registered nutritional therapist will be able to provide you with a bespoke plan to support your energy levels and help you get back on track.  To book a free call with me please click here. Or to search for a BANT registered nutritionist in your area click here 




So there you have it – there are many things that can increase the level of frazzle we feel but you don't have to put up with feeling this way.

Janet x

Janet Padfield

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